What’s Your Favorite Color?


If you take a guess, just by looking at my blog header, you’d probably guess what my favorite color is.  Yep, it’s PURPLE, VIOLET and all the lighter and darker shades of it.

Here are some descriptions of the color PURPLE from this site:

Purple is the color of good judgment.  It has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty.  Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Most children love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists.


How about you? What’s your favorite color?

A. Pink

B. Blue

C. Others (pls. specify)

Life and then Som



I am 50% Spanish and 50% Filipino. But the 50% Filipino isn’t definite since my grandmothers have Chinese blood as well but I can’t quantify it so let’s just put it as 50% Filipino. I was born in the Philippines and currently residing in China. There’s only 1 place left for me to visit so I can connect to my roots and that is Spain.  It’s part of my bucket list – to be able to visit Spain, specifically Salamanca,  since my grandfather was born and raised there.  I’ve heard wonderful stories like having a perfume store names PERFUMERIA DE BOYERO, where there’s a fountain in the middle of the building and it’s not water fountain, but perfume fountain! Just thinking about it makes me wanna grab the first flight to Spain!

What about you?  What country or countries would you want to visit?


A. I want to visit…

B. I don’t have plans of going somewhere

C. Others (pls. specify)

A New Blog!

It’s been a while that I have been writing letters to EJ and Meimei in my SheWritesYouWrite blog and I appreciate those wonderful comments that family, friends, fellow bloggers and even strangers have written… So I have finally decided to have a separate blog dedicated only to the love letters that I write to the kids. YEHEY!!! And I am sharing it with you 🙂

My new blog’s title is: A LETTER TO EJ which I hosted with http://www.wordpress.com as a free blog because currently, I don’t have any plans of monetizing my blog so might as well cut the cost of hosting and domain expenses, haha.

Please visit A LETTER TO EJ and when you do, take time to read the DEAR READERS page as it is dedicated for each of you readers.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.

Missing EJ

Dear Elisha,

Today you are 5 years, 4 months and 13 days old to be exact. You went to school with your papa on a rainy day. Temperature outside is about 10 degrees but I let you wear the jacket that auntie Lily gave you (it’s very warm) because tonight, the temperature might drop to 3 degrees. You were coughing a bit and I guess your body’s reacting to the changing season – from Autumn to Winter. As usual, you have your juice with Super C in your bag.

While I was preparing you for school, something was going on in my heart already… I realized you were just a kid and you needed so much love and care… but sometimes, I expect you to behave like an adult… So when you left, tears rolled down my cheeks and I want to write this down so you get to read this someday and know that mama loves you very much.

Sometimes when you’re asleep in the middle of the night, you don’t know it but I kiss your forehead, run my fingers through your hair, look at your face and thank God He gave YOU to us to love and to nurture. I also ask Him to help me because I’m not a perfect mom and there were times I’ve been too hard on you. There was even a time when you told me, “Mom, you hurt my heart when you get very angry at me,” it so struck me that when you and Meimei fell asleep, I read for almost 2 hours and learned about 5 year old kids… and that’s when I learned that everything about you at this stage was normal… and that I needed to change my approach – which was actually very hard to do and until now I am still learning. But know that each time I “pa-pa your bulele” or release some not so nice words to you, it hurts me too. Forgive me EJ if there were times I wasn’t the “funny” mama that you always call me. Moms got hard days too you know, but that isn’t a reason for me to give you one also. I want you to know that I am so proud of how loving a son and a brother you are, and for that, I will be forever thankful to God.

For the record, I miss you each time we’re not together. I miss your smile, your smell, you hair, your hugs and kisses that you give me whenever you feel like it. I miss singing and watching videos with you, your “kiti-kiti” moves, your “kakulitan” – I miss you and everything about you EJ. I even miss reminding you to chew and swallow your food and stop jumping on the bed 🙂 You know I miss you ’cause each time you come home we tell each other how we missed each other during the day, but it’s not as detailed as this one 🙂 So there it goes, when I say I miss you, it’s everything – the good and the not so good parts of our day.

I love you mister Elisha 🙂 and today, I TERRIBLY MISS YOU!


Meimei Can Read and Sign!

I am a believer of early literacy (teaching the kids at an early age)… My first born knew his letters and numbers when he was only 1 year old (thanks to Brainy Baby). Sadly I didn’t take videos of him reciting them because at that time, I thought it was normal for kids to know their alphabets and numbers at that age 🙂 He was also able to say or call out the people at home including our staffs. At 14 months, I was able to find a video of EJ saying, “SHOOT THAT BALL”.

When my husband and I went on our trip to laguna last June, I saw the “Your Baby Can Read” promotional video in one of the cable stations there. It really got my attention and I became interested in the concept and the product. However, it costs $200 so I told my husband we’ll think about it when we go back to Bacolod. However, due to the busy preparations of our upcoming move over to China, I didn’t have the chance to think about it.

When we got to China, that desire of giving Meimei a headstart in her reading skills came back so I searched for the Your Baby Can Read again. Thankfully I was found a source and got our own set. Not just YBCR set but the complete Signing Time package as well at a very very affordable price! The books, flash cards and the DVDs are great! Meimei loves them and since we got our copies, not a day passed without her learning new words to read and new signs 🙂 It has also become one of our family bonding moments. The 3 of us are Meimei’s classmates and we’re letting her feel that it is FUN TO LEARN! So now, Meimei willingly gets her books or flashcards and is so excited to say, “MEIMEI READ” (referring to the YBCR) or “BABIES TIME” (to BST).

I started Meimei on the video when she was almost 17 months (last September 10) and tested her “reading” skill after about 3 weeks. I was planning to test her after a month since that was the recommended time frame. However, on several occasions she would pick up a card and would read it or do the actions. So I decided to give it a trial run. And to my surprise, SHE DID READ! 😀 It gave me so much joy! Oh well, that’s what teachers feel when their students perform! And that’s actually one of the joys of teaching toddlers, the results are just wonderful!

There’s really no pressure in teaching her new words, actually, she’s the one pressuring me! That is enough proof for me to know that she loves to learn because when she sees the books, flashcards or DVDs,  and she’d really ask for them. At the start I just showed the videos and when I saw she was happy with the videos, I slowly introduced the flashcards and the books. It didn’t happen overnight… It took patience and of course, I had to model to her that learning IS FUN! Her papa and ahia helped too 🙂 So she doesn’t feel that she’s the only one learning, it’s the family learning together.

I will try to post videos of her reading and signing in a few days… (here it is from FB)


Date with Dad

I am a believer of DATES and if you’ve been reading my blogs or you’re close to me, you know that I date my kiddos and I also date my husband. But now I’ll blog about the date of the king and princess in our household.

Since Meimei was 5 months in my tummy she was already separated from his dad. We stayed in Bacolod for over a year and Joey comes home almost every 2 months then to be with us. But last July the kids and I moved to China and be with their dad. Joey’s been “courting” Meimei. He did a wonderful job the past months building that relationship with Meimei, however, her attachment to me is so strong and she would usually cling to me more.

When yaya Angel, our nanny went back to Bacolod, Joey was able to spend more time with Meimei like giving the kids their baths at night and watching videos with them while I do some house works. Plus, when I got myself a 3 hour work each weekend, Joey spent time taking care of the kids by himself. So that’s when Meimei got to become really close with her dad… And viola one Sunday afternoon, Joey was able to ask his princess out for a date… OH, actually it was Meimei who asked her dad for a date! 😀 And so I  took some shots before they left 🙂 Look how excited and happy they both look 🙂

mei and papa date copy

When we go out as a family going to Walmart we always take a taxi, but this time, they took the bus and according to Joey, Meimei just sat on his lap paying attention to everyone who went up and down the bus and looked outside the window. When they arrived at Walmart, they bought some clothes (oh yeah, Joey can buy clothes and he has really good choice!), went to the grocery and the highlight was… PAPA BOUGHT HER PRINCESS A NECKLACE! They also bought for EJ and guess what, NONE for me 😦 huhuhu. But it’s ok, I’ll get mine on my birthday (I THINK! hihihi). I like it when Meimei plays with her necklace and several times I tried asking her to give it to me, but she WON’T. With multiple head shakes and a stern NO – NO! She won’t give her necklace because it’s papa’s special gift to her 🙂

They both had a wonderful time and here are some photos from Joey’s phone 🙂

meimei date copy

I believe something really special took place that day. Meimei might be too young to remember the event with her conscious mind but deep within I know that the impact of her date with her dad will last a lifetime. And this is not the last that they’ll have… More to come because Joey is just sooooo crazy over her cuteness 🙂  AND he is soooo determined to win Meimei 🙂 And that is actually for Meimei to choose HIM over ME 🙂 haha… And I would sure love her to be a certified DADDY’S GIRL… like me (wink).

Autumn Diarrhea

Last week my daughter had diarrhea and it lasted for several days. It started Sunday afternoon but got really worse at night until Tuesday morning so we went to the hospital to have her checked. When the doctor saw her watery stool advised me to have her admitted for IV to prevent her from getting dehydrated, even if the stool test showed there wasn’t any bacteria. Of course I declined and she made me sign a waiver that says I refused her wise counsel for hospitalization, to make sure they won’t be blamed if something happens to Meimei. She gave us oral medication instead. The doctor also mentioned that during this seasons, which is Autumn, it’s very common for children to have diarrhea and it might be dangerous if it won’t stop. “So what if it’s Autumn? What made diarrhea so common this season?”, I thought.

When we got home I asked Mr. Google and here’s the answer: AUTUMN DIARRHEA .

Autumn Diarrhea is cause by rotavirus that breeds quickly at the start of autumn, when the temperature drops. Then I thought, “Great! When I was pregnant with Meimei, I caught Winter Virus. Now she has Autumn Diarrhea! I don’t want anything from Spring or Summer whatsoever!” I continued with my research and was able to find helpful tips from the web. I truly thank God for this technology called internet!

Meimei at 18 months was given 3 things and allow me to share them with you, hopefully the information here will also help those who will come to need them someday:

1. Oral Rehydration Salt – this can be bought in drugstores. Just follow instructions in mixing the ORS with water. However, if you can’t find any, you can make it at home. As instructed to me over the phone by Meimei’s pedia in the Philippines. I called her up the day before we headed to the hospital.

Homemade ORS:

200 ml (7oz) Distilled Water

5 tsp Sugar

1 tsp Salt

Mix well… Give about 2oz each time the child poops (ideally)

Meimei just took small sips from time to time and probably finished 1 sachet of ORS in 2 days time.

2. Montmorillonite Powder – this is really wonderful stuff! Check the web for this powder and see the benefits! I plan to buy a lot and bring them home! Here’s just one of the many sites that lists the benefits of Montmorillonite Powder. This actually binds with the toxins in the body and brings them out through the poopie.

3. Bacillus licheniformis granules, LIVE – this is also great stuff! If you’re familiar with Yakult’s lactobacillus this is it. The cool part is, this comes in granules so you can just carry it anywhere you go and mix and drink anytime you need it. Just mix with water and it tastes sweet so my daughter liked it. This helps maintain digestive flora and digestion. Before she was given this, she threw up several times. The only thing she was able to take was my breastmilk.

Immediate relief were observed the day she took these stuff and 2 days after, her diarrhea totally left…goodbye diarrhea!

On the fifth day we weighed… My daughter didn’t lose weight, considering the amount she threw up and pooped it was a miracle. But I did! I lost 1.5Kilos in 5 days! I expected it since she sucked all my nutrients plus the several nights I wasn’t able to sleep straight. But it’s all worth it. Seeing her healthy and happy inspite her diarrhea was something extra ordinary. Even when we were in the hospital she kept on singing and smiling and waving. It was one of the reasons the doctor allowed us no confinement because Meimei wasn’t lethargic at all. The only time she cried at home was when it was changing diaper time because her bum was very sore. On the 3rd day it started to heal (thanks to DESITIN) so the only thing she said each time she pooped was: “YUCK!”

I need to mention that aside from my breastmilk, I also gave her several supplements / homeopathy stuff:

Super C – alkaline vitamin C to help lower her tummy’s acidity and boost immune system

Tissue Salt Pellets – to make sure her minerals won’t be depleted

Colloidal Silver – antibacterial

Hi-Bee Propolis – probiotic ; boost immune system

On her 3rd day, I started to give her a little of pureed apple, carrots, potato mixed with Nutrifresh. By a little I mean 1 tsp 2-3 times of each in 1 day. I read those 3 foods harden the stool and the Nutrifresh is to boost the nutrient level. On her 5th day she pooped a nicely formed stool. YIPEEEE! My husband actually caught it on his lap after giving Meimei her bath! It was a funny THANK YOU Lord moment.

I am grateful that Meimei got healed without the painful IV rehydration dose, that I have abundant supply of breast milk and supplements, that I have a very good friend named Lily (a local Chinese) who came to help me take care of Meimei, that I have my husband who gave up a critical business trip in Malaysia to be with us, that Joey has superiors who know the value of FAMILY over career, that there are concerned family and friends who pray for us and most especially that there is a GOD who truly heals. Because of all these, look at Meimei while going through her diarrhea days 🙂

meimei diarrhea copy

Life Worth Remembering

Last October 24, 2008 I posted my very first article in my Life Worth Remembering blog. Here’s a copy of that post. The ones in blue fonts are new additions.

“I will make my MARK in this generation. I will impact people around me. I will make a difference.”

“You’re not everyone, but you are one
You may not do everything, but you can do something”

“You may be a stay at home mom, and you’re calling is to raise a child that may influence millions”

“A 100 years from now, will it be any significant that I lived on this planet? Make it a goal to leave this earth better of than before you came in.”

These are some of the thoughts that I picked up while listening to Joel Osteen’s preaching one Sunday regarding “Living a Life Worth Remembering.” The message struck me and it made me realize that I am not just here to exist, but that I am here to leave a footprint in the hearts of people I love, a mark in the places I’ve been and a life worthy to be remembered…

This blog is dedicated to people like me who aren’t here on this planet just for the sake of existing but rather to make sure that the world will become a better place because once in it’s existence, someone like you and I, set foot on it.


Join me in this cause… I may touch one who someday will touch millions.

Right now, I have Elisha and Meimei, 2 special beings that God allowed me to nurture and cherish. I pray that through them, millions will be blessed. My heart’s desire is when people see my children, they can see God’s love reflected in their eyes. Then I would know I have lived a life worthy to be remembered…

I know, this is where I am meant to be… and deep in my heart of hearts, I have found my reason for living…

Have you?

18 Wonderful Months

Dear Meimei,

In my Facebook profile my status was: “ Thank you Lord for 18 wonderful and blessed months…” Yes my little one, you’re 18 months old today and the past months have truly been wonderful and full of God’s blessings. They weren’t perfect months but in every difficulty or mishaps, God has always shown HIS favor and HE has never left us.

Allow me to share with you what took place today:

Our day started as the usual weekend – woke up late because we slept late the other night. Had crab and shrimp for lunch (for the three of us) and yours were broccoli and pork 🙂 After lunch you asked for “Titi” (mama’s milk) and of course, fell asleep after that… Both of us did actually. Your papa and ahia however spent the whole afternoon cleaning the aquarium as your papa wanted to give you FISHY for your gift! But because you woke and I woke up late, we weren’t able to buy fish (but we’ll buy them tomorrow) but instead, we went to Walmart. For the first time you rode the Merry-Go-Round, the 4 of us went inside 😀 You got scared as you can see in your pictures but you didn’t cry, you just wanted to hug me while you’re riding. We had a tour in the park and it was just fun.


After the fun we did our usual grocery weekend and here you are again on this infant friendly grocery cart… You look like a “DONA” enjoying the ride! The next best thing was… Papa bought you your BOOTS! ” Taray!” 18 months old wearing boots! How I wish I had them when I was your age! It looks great on you and even if the color didn’t match your outfit, you wore it perfectly! Look at you! I’m sure if your Angkong sees your picture he’ll say, “dalagang putut” (little lady)!


Oh, I thought you’d be interested to know what you’re capable of doing at this time so here’s a few of the significant ones:

1. Eat holding the bowl and drink in a cup with minimal supervision –  I just give you your food. You eat, I eat…

2. Three days ago you started going down the half-step stairs in our village by yourself – I was just right in front of you just  in case you fall you won’t get hurt. But you have shown me you can handle yourself 🙂

3. You are not so interested with singing the ABC’s… you would rather READ – yes my dear, at 17.5 months you started reading and by now, you already know when the words you’re familiar with are upside down.

4. You enjoy watching (just your top favourites):

(a)Praise Baby Collection – your favourite since you were 6 months… this video has been instrumental in our worship time together. You know that when I say “Worship God” you would raise your hands as an act of worship.

(b) Your Baby Can Read – when I say, “Meimei can…” you then say “READ”! you enjoy reading very much!

(c) Baby Signing Time – when I say, “Baby Signing…” you then say “TIME” and sign time 🙂 you like signing especially using the flash cards on your kit 🙂

(d) Jollibee – I let you watch for your Filipino lesson 🙂

(e) Glee – especially Poker Face and Say a Little Prayer (you and your papa watch that almost everynight)

(f) In the Jungle – HAPPY HIPPO, which is also one of your ahia’s favourites

(g) Pictures and Videos of people in Bacolod (especially your Ama and Angkong), babies and animals

5. You can get up and down the bed without any help, you’ve learned this since you were over 15 months

There are so much more I can write about you my “plangging”, but the part that I am most proud of is allowing you to grow being YOU. You have your way of expressing yourself – to show love, anger or delight. Your papa and I have given you freedom to choose, as long as that choice won’t hurt you. You may only be 18 months but we’ve always respected you as a person, a unique one at that.

May you live in the circle of God’s blessing… Completely sorrounded by HIS LOVE.

Happy 18 months baby…


EJ's Pre-School Life

Dear Elisha,

The first time we went to China was when you were 23 months and by the time you reached 2 years old, you were already in school. Kid Castle was your very first school which taught English to local Chinese kids. I put you there so that you can adjust to a Chinese school environment and yet when you go looking for “Mama” in English, your teachers can attend to you because they understand you. You were only there for the summer and when September 2007 came, Chinese school year opened and you were enrolled in our village’s kindergarten, Jindu Kindergarted. In both schools, you cried very hard each time I left you with your teachers for the first few weeks. I cried too son. It was heart breaking for me to leave you in your teacher’s care, however, it was something that needed to be done. Sometimes I would watch you from afar and pray to God to keep you safe… I’d ask your teachers how you did and they’d say, at the beginning, you didn’t mingle much with your classmates because you didn’t know their language so you always chatted with your teachers because they know a little English. But after a few months, you blended just fine and would even fight with the local kids- in full Chinese language. That made me see how fast you learned Chinese. It wasn’t perfect yet, according to your papa, but you already expressed yourself well. I even made you interpreter at times!

February 2009 came and we had to go back to our hometown, Bacolod City, because I was about to give birth to your sister. You attended The School for Creative Beginners. They still accepted you even if it was almost the end of the school year because when they assessed your skills, you were advanced. I love that school. I taught there for a few months back in 2002 and I learned a lot about Multiple Intelligence so I made sure you enrolled there. You would ask your teachers questions like: “Why are you so fat?” haha! You didn’t know how to speak Ilonggo then so your questions sounded funny and cute because of your accent.

June 2009 came and we decided to enroll you in Trinity Christian School because your papa, along with the many LO’s, graduated in that school. They had Chinese classes but it was in Fookien and not the Chinese that you knew which was Mandarin. At age 4, you were supposed to be in the Nursery class, however, when you were assessed by teachers Greace and Edna, your level was already for the Kinder 1 level and they even told me that if not for the Filipino class, they can put you to join Kinder 2. Throughout the school year your Ama Mary was your ever faithful tutor for Chinese and your lovely mom for English (ehm!). You had several academic awards in both subjects for each quarter and up until the school ended in March 2010. You made us so proud EJ…

Now we’re back in China and you have several languages with you – English, Ilonggo, a little Fookien and trying hard Filipino and Bisaya. But at first I was bothered because you almost totally forgot your Chinese (Mandarin) and you refused to learn when somebody taught you. I didn’t push you to learn it though but what I did, I showed you the advantages of speaking the language. Almost every night before we sleep, we would talk about it. But the bottomline is, you want to be like your papa who can speak English, Chinese and Filipino. I think you understood pretty well so when your tutor, teacher Sunshine, taught you, you responded well. Actually now as I’m writing this, you have your tutorial class with her. I would use the PSP as a reward if you can recite your Chinese words well when your papa comes home.  That motivated you to memorize as much words as you can because the more you learn, the more time you have to play!

But of all the schools you’ve been to, your favorite is homeschool with your fantastic teacher – your mom. Is that me? 😀 haha… Yes son, I am so happy to tell you that you always say your favorite class is your class with me. Now that you’re 5 years old, I continue to be your teacher… And I will always be your teacher as long as God permits me and as long as you allow me to do so.

I love you EJ and I’m very proud of you!